Thursday, March 27, 2014

Sunkist and White King Fiesta Block Display Contest

Sunkist and white king fiesta is a Philippine made products under RFM Foods Corporation and it is distributed anywhere in the globe. Every year the supplier of these products here in Brunei Darussalam organize a block display contest to promote their products and also to increase the sales.

Our store is one of the participant of this contest, and were competing for the A category. Various store from different part of the country who participated this contest shares our goal, to win as a grand champion plus the winning prize of the contest.

I can say that were very lucky because we won as a grand champion, even though we’ve been competing from a various stores around Brunei we still take the highest score to win this contest.

Our block display is wasn’t good as the other stores display, but it is enough to catch the judges eyes and to choose our store as a winner.

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